​​​​​​​     Orewa Sharks Sportclub was created with the goal of providing specific platforms for children to grow & develop their skills both on & off the field,

along with learning the ability to reinforce kinship at every level of competition.

     We provide different sports programs including Baseball 

     Orewa Sharks Sportsclub  aims to create, nuture, & support healthy attitudes & relationships for all of our club members along with their families.

We strive to do this with a specific goal in mind.  To cultivate a community whose environment is both supportive & encouraging throughout the entire Hibiscus Coast.

     We hope that through participation in our sports programs that our athletes will be able to create life-long relationships with their teammates & learn important life lessons

that will help them grow both on & off the field. 

S upporting

H ealthy

A ttitudes &

R einforcing

K inship in

S ports